You can order video recordings of teishos given by Fr. AMA Samy. The available 200 Video DVD's are registered in 2 catalogues:
» Download Video Catalogue 1 (1-100)
» Download Video Catalogue 2 (101-200)
The price of a Video DVD is: RS 500 (EURO 8 / USD 9 / GBP 6, postage included).
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Film about Fr. AMA Samy and Bodhizendo
Zen and the art of Compassion - A film for the Netherlands TV from Pat van Boeckel
Teisho about the Zen Way
Video DVD 04, 10-JAN-15
AMA Samy talks about different dimensions of life in comparison with the stages of Ox-herding pictures. Human beings have got developmental stages – beginning, middle, end etc. In every stage we are affected physically, intellectually, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually etc. The world puts conditions; but the basic foundation is unconditional acceptance.